Bezel Assembly for Alaris 8100

Bezel Assembly for Alaris 8100

Part Number: 49000270 EBS
New Replacement Part

Bezel Assembly for Alaris 8100 Infusion Pump

  • New molded lower hinge
  • Manufactured and Assembled by EBS.
  • Automated assembly to ensure the safety and consistency of the Camshaft Assembly.
  • Each EBS Bezel Assembly goes through a final inspection and test criteria prior to shipping to ensure safety and performance.

Other commonly used part numbers: 10964559, 49000270, 49000204, 49000204-N


Elite Biomedical Solutions (“Elite or EBS”) has manufactured all of the replacement component parts of this Medley Bezel Assembly (“Bezel Assembly”). Elite has tested and validated these component parts and the EBS Bezel Assembly. Elite has not tested or validated the EBS Bezel Assembly with component parts manufactured, refurbished and/or sold by the Original Manufacturer (“OEM”) or any other third-party component manufacturer. Customers use of any OEM or other third-party manufactured component parts for replacement of any of the component parts that comprise the EBS Bezel Assembly is at the customer’s sole risk and Elite does not provide any product warranty against malfunction. Elite will not be responsible for any harm or liability as a result of the failure of any non-Elite manufactured component parts of the EBS Bezel Assembly. Elite recommends replacement of the entire EBS Bezel Assembly rather than replacement of individual component parts. For any questions please call Customer Service 855.291.6701 or email

Elite 1-year Warranty

Elite New Replacement parts come with a one year money back guarantee, no questions asked.

Factory Certified

Our manufacturing quality exceeds industry standards.


Call 1-855-291-6701

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